Monday, March 17, 2014

Ryan Poterack - Interview Part 4

An interesting question I have been asked before is: “ Ryan Poterack, in terms of leadership, how do you believe you are viewed as a leader by your employees?”
My first thought is you should ask them.  My opinion could be completely irrelevant because it’s not the truth, it is a perspective.  I would think my consistent behavior, like it or not, would be respected for its consistency.  I believe my employees view me as a principled leader.  
My style may appear at times to be distant, aloof, or be intimidating to new employees who have not seen me in enough scenarios to appreciate my behavioral consistency.  Employees probably struggle with my directness and candor.  I do not curse or raise my voice when making a point. 
I rarely express a viewpoint without having thought about it thoroughly.  If challenged, I will have robust answers to support my viewpoint.  This can be intimidating to an employee who is concerned their opinion may not be supported by an equal amount of thought.  I cannot think differently.  I would hope my approach leads employees to slow down a bit and think clearly about their communication.     
It isn’t possible for me to work with others and not do everything I can to improve the employee as a person.  I would hope I’m viewed as seeking excellence, fair, compassionate and generous.
Ryan Poterack is a businessman located in North Carolina.  He enjoys speaking and writing about a variety of topics.