Wednesday, March 12, 2014

9 Questions by Ryan Poterack

Recently a friend of mine sent me an email asking these 9 questions.  I enjoyed answering them, so I figured I would add them to this blog.  

1.       What is your favorite book & why?  I find the Bible to be a reassuring guide on how to live productively.  For business, the E-Myth was a book that had an impact on the way I viewed entrepreneurial endeavors.

2.      What inspires Ryan Poterack?  People who are passionate, professional and generous in what they do.

3.      What is your earliest childhood memory? The crib.  Playing with mobiles and pretending I was asleep.

4.      How do you handle stress?  Workout and mentally slow down by taking stock of what is good in my life.

5.      When are you the most relaxed? When I’m helping people and spending time with family and friends.

6.      What are your pet peeves?  Inauthentic communication. Poor service.  People who belittle others.

7.      What draws you to someone?  Sincerity. 

8.     What is the thing you, Ryan Poterack, get complimented on the most?  Ability to explain complex topics simply.

9.      What do you get criticized about the most?  I ask a lot of questions.